Pallet Rack Safety
Safety & Security Case Studies
Personnel get crushed from falling product which has been pushed through the back of pallet rack. Rack safety netting or wire mesh panels are utilized to prevent product from being pushed through the back of rack. Many times rack collapses after being impacted by industrial trucks. This is most common when the impact occurs on or toward the end of aisles. It is not uncommon for a death or serious injury to occur when rack collapses. Post protectors, steel barriers, and end of aisle guards are utilized to improve rack safety by protecting the rack from industrial truck impact. Personnel get injured almost every time there is some form of failure with a rack system of any kind. When product is not properly loaded onto the rack it can fall through, fall off, and if too heavy can cause a collapse. Rack safety begins with knowing your rack system health, original capacities, and design use. Cross beam supports and / or wire decking utilization can improve the rack safety regarding proper loading. Our professional personnel here at CSI can perform rack safety inspections so you are confident you are working to keep your personnel safe and reducing the risk of significant injury.
CSI provides rack safety items to assist in keeping personnel safe and reducing the risk of significant injury.
- Protect personnel from falling product
- Protect rack from impact with industrial trucks
- Protect from improper loading
- Have your rack inspected for damage and proper utilization regularly
- Keep your personnel safe and reduce the risk of significant injury
If you do not see specifically what you are looking for Contact Us, we are here to assist you. Request a quote and put our professional personnel to work for you.
Safety first! Stay alert to possible rack safety issues and keep your operations safe and operating properly. No organization wants to endure the possible consequences of rack safety issues to personnel, product, or equipment. To ignore them could result in significant cost due to loss of life, significant injury, impaired morale, product loss, equipment loss, and loss of operations. The cost experienced from any of those individually would far exceed any investment into rack safety.