Safety & Security

Installation Case Studies

Guard Rail Protecting Inplant Office

Guard Rail Protecting Inplant Office

Dock Door Security Wire Cages

Dock Door Security Wire Cages

CSI can install all of your safety and security equipment.

Safety and Security is an important topic in our world today. Keeping your personnel safe and your personnel and products secure reduces the risk of horrific loses. Companies commonly measure productivity and efficiency trying to gain an extra fraction of a cent from a transaction. A serious injury, death, or gross loss of product makes losses due to productivity or efficiency issues pale in comparison. A focus on safety and security significantly reduces the risk of major losses.

Container Systems has the competence and ability to address safety and security opportunities.

Something as obscure as the installation of an appropriate mezzanine safety gate can save lives and prevent significant injury to personnel.

Keeping personnel separated from lift truck traffic is one of the most important actions you can take to dramatically increase an operations safety and reduce the risk of serious injury or death. Installation of Guard Rail that can withstand the impact of a lift truck is the best means of keeping personnel and lift truck traffic separate.

CSI can install all of your safety and security equipment. Mezzanine safety gate, guard rail, rack safety netting, wire mesh enclosures, and more, our professional installers will be quick, accurate, and correct.

Contact us for a mezzanine safety gate, your safety and security equipment, and for professional installation.

solar energy system

For Safety and Security Equipment Installation in Chicago, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, the Mid-West states CSI is the logical choice. CSI is the safe choice.